Radio host, speaker, author, certified financial planner and Army veteran Steve Repak graciously reached out to me for an interview on his Christian finance radio show. He predominantly focuses on financial advice and guidance but being an Army veteran, he wanted to give me the opportunity to share my story.
While I am honored that he wants to help share my story, fear and anxiety instantly came over me. Even after 8 years of Eddie’s passing, it is still difficult for me to speak about. Hiding behind my computer writing my story is completely different than actually speaking about it. I often feel awkward, uncomfortable and many timens frozen with trying to share my thoughts. My words become a prisoner, unable to escape my psychological bestial. While I have had numerous reporters reach out to me through the yeanrs, this will be the first interview I’m agreeing to do. I feel stronger than I was then and I will not allow my fears to hold me back. I will continue to push through and do things that scare me. The dichotomy of life has often offered me two options: fear and hesitation versus fear and perseverance. I constantly think “If it was easy, we’d all be doing it”. It’s that mentality that allows me to live with beautiful memories and lessons my grief. I’m going to face my fears, put on my big girl pants and just breathe. Thank you Steve for believing in my story and for this wonderful opportunity.
You can listen to Steve’s show “Your money Gods way” every Tuesday at 11 am Eastern on the Just Jesus Radio Network. If you would like more information on Steve Repak you can find his website at Our interview will air on November 20th, and I’ll attach a link to my social media for those who would be interested in listening.