It has occured to me that the fellowship amongst writers is like one long run on sentence. I’m constantly blown away by the kindness of other writers. Being new to the writing world, I didn’t know what to expect. I was clueless to the process of finding a literary agent and the publishing world was foreign to me. I finished writing my memoir and finally felt comfortable enough to share my story with the world. But how do I do that? What’s my next step?
I personally didn’t know other writers and really wasn’t sure where to begin. I found a “writers helping writers” group on facebook. I joined and immediately started asking lots of questions. I attended several writers conferences, as well as networked with some phenomenal people. I have found many of these amazing writers share the same passion, veneration and willingness to share their experience and offer direction to someone who isn’t nearly as fluent in the industry. I’m not saying everyone sits around a campfire holding hands and singing Kumbaya, but I have enjoyed the camaraderie of other writers and have appreciated their support. I have connected with some incredible people who I deeply admire. Their talent far exceeds anything I have ever experienced.
For those just starting off, one prominent piece of information I’ve gathered is the importance of building a platform and promoting yourself. This is a new territory for me. I implore you to put yourself out there. This can be scary for some, as it was for me, but it certainly builds courage! I also urge you to attend writer’s conferences when you can and keep asking questions. Don’t stop networking and don’t stop exploring any writing possibilities. There are numerous people who have given me valuable advice along these avenues.
I hope to pay it forward to help others. I am not an expert, by any means, and I’m still learning each and every day. If you have valuable advice for others starting off please feel free to share: What was the best advice given to you within the writing world? #writershelpingwriters
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